On the 9th Day of Christmas 52Teas Sent To Me. . .

I’m not going to lie, we are on the 9th Dy of this amazing promotion and I’m quiet sad! We are almost done. I’ve loved this daily special treat and it honestly did make the countdown to the holidays.

So if you are following along, scratch off your 9th Tea sticker and lets uncover the surprise!

Coconut Cream Pie Black Tea

EEEKKK!!!! I’m am so excited! I think this is a reblend that I missed the first go around so this is super exciting.  (FYI, I’m writing this review while drinking the tea). While my water is prepping I can’t keep my nose out of the pouch. This blend smells like a heavy calorie dessert that needs to be devoured instantly and that is exactly what I plan to do with this tea.

Rich creamy pudding like notes of coconut swirl the palette as a lovely rich sweetness that I think is possibly vanilla (?) that really sets this coconut based tea apart from others. I can’t put my finger on it but I also am getting a slight graham cracker like feel.

An amazing treat for sure and one that is curving this sweet tooth I’ve got.  What I almost love more than the flavor of this tea is the texture and feel you get from it. There is such a lush decadence with every sip.  This tea is one of those that you hoard like a mad fiend and are not open to sharing with anybody.

Highly recommended and if you have a chance to get your hands on some, do! You’ll be like me. . .sitting in the corner, unwillingly to share the amazing tea! It really is dessert in a cuppa at it’s finest!

Here is the official description and Mad Musings for this tea. 

Coconut Cream Pie Black Tea!

Tea Description:  I was pretty excited when people asked that this tea be included in the vote for the 2016 12 Teas of Christmas, and even happier when this tea turned out to be one of the top vote getters. This has been one of the more memorable 52Teas blends for me – I love coconut! – so I was really happy to have the opportunity to reblend it.

The original description of this tea said:

Our Coconut Cream Pie flavored black tea has been one of our bestsellers here at Zoomdweebie’s since we opened. In addition to the pouches of this tea that we’ve sold, we sell a LOT of beverages made from this tea, in particular, this is probably our all time bestselling iced tea latte, one sip of which has led people to exclaim, “That’s like coconut cream pie in a glass!” I’ve also been frequently challenged on our assertion that our tea lattes are all fat-free, particularly with this tea.

It is simply so decadent, so wonderfully sweet and satisfying, that people cannot believe that we didn’t just liquefy a slice of coconut cream pie and serve it to them in a glass.

For the 52teas version of this tea, we are adding some honking-big flakes of unsweetened coconut to our premium black tea blend along with coconut and vanilla flavors.

So, obviously, I needed to change up the recipe somewhat because the black tea that I use is different from the ones utilized by Frank. I started with my black tea base of organic Indian and Chinese teas. I did use some “honking-big flakes of unsweetened coconut” as well as some vanilla beans and calendula petals. 

This is very coconut-y, very creamy and oh-so-yummy! It’s been a while since I’ve had some of Frank’s version of this tea, but I’d say that I did pretty well with this blend! If my review of this tea is any indication – I think my black tea might be a bit stronger than the original version – but the other flavors are on point!

organic ingredients: black teas, coconut, calendula petals, vanilla beans and natural flavors.

So yummy!

As I said in the description, it’s been a long while since I’ve had some of Frank’s version of this tea. But, I have to say that I’m loving my recreation of this blend! The black tea is a good, solid black tea flavor – robust enough to get your day off to a strong start if you decided you wanted a little bit of coconut cream pie for breakfast. (Try this as a latte – seriously – it’s so darned tasty!)

The coconut is strong with this tea! It’s smooth and creamy. Sweet! I can taste that creamy custard-y filling of the coconut cream pie – and I even get an occasional note of pastry to this. The pastry is more of a distant flavor – but really, I don’t want to tweak with this and change the flavors because it’s really awesome the way it is. I don’t want to sacrifice any of the yummy coconut and custard flavors to bring out the pastry more. I guess, for me what it came down to was this question: When you eat pie, do you eat it for the crust or for the filling?

The filling wins every time! Oh sure, I want a tasty crust too, but I can’t remember eating the crust and leaving the filling of any pie – while I can remember doing the opposite as a kid!

Anyway – I’m really happy with this – I hope those of you who were fans of the original blend are just as happy with my recreation of it!

To brew: Use a rounded teaspoon of tea (give it a good shake before you measure it to redistribute any ingredients. There is vanilla bean in this blend – and they will settle to the bottom!) to 12 ounces of boiling water. Let steep for 2 1/2 minutes. Strain and cool for 10 minutes. Enjoy!

No sugar needed for this (unless you want it!) I found it plenty sweet and satisfying without! But you will want to try it as a latte because it becomes even more decadent!




Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Black Flavored Tea
Where to Buy: 52Teas
This tea is no longer available but these are!

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