Winter Cinnamon Green Tea from The Kettlery Plus A Giveaway!

Winter will soon be upon us. You can feel the chill in the air. At least here in the Midwest you can.  Our nights are getting colder and are days are starting to get that winter like feel to them.  This is when I start really drinking teas that have that soul soothing warmth to keep me going!

wintercinnamongreentea2Winter Cinnamon Green Tea from The Kettlery is a flavored green tea that is a blend of green tea, orange flavors and spices, like cinnamon.  The description of the tea says that this is a spicy tea with a mild tangy profile. I’m not sure about the tang but there is a resounding spice note for sure.

This tea starts off with a warming buttery richness from the green tea with a very noticeable cinnamon flavor. The orange flavors are mild and seems like the cinnamon may be overwhelming those flavors. This is the second time I’ve had this tea and cup after cup, this is what I’m picking up- a green cinnamon tea.  Which is lovely. This tea gives me that warm and cozy feel that I can really wrap my hands around.  Give me a huge mug of this with my favorite blanket and a good book and I’ll be set!

It would be nice to get those orange teas to pop but I’m quite content with what I have. Maybe some experimenting will get those notes to come through.


And speaking of The Kettlery. . . its Giveaway Time!

earlgrey2This prize is simply fantastic my friends. Valued at $45 this Earl Grey set is gorgeous and gives you the chance to check out 3 different types of Earl Grey teas that The Kettlery offers (all in tins!) along with a lovely Kava cup. Enter now to try and win this set and enjoy right before the holidays!

Good luck to our readers! We will have one more giveaway of The Kettlery’s wonderful Herbal Bliss box so stayed tuned for that.

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Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Green Tea
Where to Buy:  The Kettlery


This warm and inviting green tea flawlessly blended with refreshing orange and savoury cinnamon creates a soothing tea with a tangy aroma with a spiced citrus taste.


Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

46 thoughts on “Winter Cinnamon Green Tea from The Kettlery Plus A Giveaway!

  1. My go to for winter is normally chai. I do love mint blends during the holidays as well. Vanilla Mint or chocolate mint mmmm yum 🙂

  2. My husband is the tea drinker in our house. He has a drawer full of all kinds of tea. He likes the ones that serve a purpose and also taste good.

  3. Popping over from Steepster! Thanks for notifying us about the giveaway. I enjoy flavored black tea blends year-round, but find them especially cozy in the winter! Earl Grey is certainly a favorite, but I also love a good Chai and pretty much anything vanilla-flavored.

  4. My daughter loves Chai Tea and Earl Grey. She probably likes other flavors but those are the two I remember.

  5. I love drinking peppermint mint teas in the wintertime. But I also still love my favorite: Irish Breakfast. That’s the tea I like to drink all year long!

  6. I drink Earl Grey year round but my favorite time to drink it is Winter.Warm drinks just taste better in cold weather.Earl Grey is my all time favorite tea!

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