Yun Nan Dian Hong Golden Tip Black Tea from Teavivre

The dry leaves of this tea are beautiful and aromatic, which I noticed as I opened the sample. The gold tips are distinctly visible before steeping. Since it’s a delicate tea with a recommended steeping temperature of 176 degrees, I allowed the water to cool for a couple of minutes after boiling before I lowered the infuser in. For the first steeping I allowed three minutes in about 8 ounces of water. It came out not exactly reddish but not super dark either, more of a dusky amberish. Quite a nice color. The scent was sweetly fragrant and a little bit floral. When I took a sip I discovered a surprisingly light, sweet flavor. It’s relatively smooth and not bitter, with just a bit of astringency, mostly in the aftertaste. The aftertaste was also quite pleasantly floral, which I liked.

After taking stock of the fragrance and the initial flavor of the tea, I noticed that it would probably be great with milk and sugar. Which, in fact, it was; it still had quite a heady taste, which was slightly mellowed from the milk. I could still taste the distinct floral overtones at the top of the mouth and a hint of astringency at the back of the mouth and at the end of each sip.
I like to get the most out of my teas, so I tried steeping it a second and a third time as well. For some reason I liked the second steeping even better than the first! I caught hints of sweet-potato flavor in the second and third steepings, which were either new or else were something I just missed the first time around.  It took three steepings before the leaves were spent, which is great for a delicate tea like this one. I’d definitely consider buying this tea with my next order!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Teavivre


Dian Hong black tea, also known as Yunnan black tea, is one of China’s most famous black teas.  This is the highest grade Dian Hong generally available in China – called Golden Tip Dian Hong.  It has lots of orange pekoe in the dried tea, and brews into an absolutely great tasting, golden coloured tea, with very rich taste and aroma.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

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