Wake Up Juice from Geeky Teas

Good morning, Tea Buddies! I write to you with enthusiasm from the caffeine in Geeky Teas’ “Wake Up Juice,” which absolutely lives up to its moniker.

The taste is a malty citrus spice. Malt isn’t my usual jam, but this works really well. I am surprised at how much I like this. It’s a well-rounded, energizing mix.

This tea is the perfect fall pick. I am definitely one who savors oversized sweaters, leggings, boots, a novel, and a tall travel cup of hot tea. I love the rich blazes of tumbling leaves. I can imagine drinking this over a campfire, if only I were the sort of person who liked to camp.

(Do you ever have visions of an Idealized Self who likes all those things you don’t actually like? My Idealized Self bikes to work and climbs Mt Fiji. She doesn’t get stressed out by cities. She knows where her blow-dryer is, and actually uses it. Her nails are lovely.)

ANYWAY, Geeky Teas has a LOT of teas I’m probably going to someday try. The descriptions and doodles are hilarious in-jokes for geeks. TAKE MY MONEY. Apparently there’s a physical PLACE you can GO to see these people in person and play board games, but they’re in Cali and I’m in Pennsylvania. It’s now on my bucket list.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Pu-erh
Where to Buy: Geeky Teas


Pu erh tea, cinnamon bark, natural spice flavor, orange peels, ginger root, aniseed and safflower.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

1 thought on “Wake Up Juice from Geeky Teas

  1. I’m in Cali and have gone to the shop it’s awesome. They have rescue cats and they have Geeky events all the time including boozy board game nights. It’s definitely worth it to check out. 🙂

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