Peach Matcha from 3 Leaf Tea

PeachMatchaTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Matcha

Where to Buy: 3 Leaf Tea

Tea Description:

With it’s fruity aroma and juicy taste, you won’t want to put this peach matcha down! Crisp and light the peach flavor mingles with the vibrant green taste of matcha.
Preparation & Recipes: 
Hot Latte: Whisk 1 tsp of matcha with 1 tsp of sugar in 2 oz of hot (170°F) water. Add 6 oz of hot milk and stir.
Iced Latte: Whisk 1 tsp of matcha with 1 tsp of sugar in 2 oz of hot (170°F) water. Add 6 oz of cold milk and stir. Pour over ice.
Traditional: Whisk 1/4-1/2 tsp of matcha in 6 oz of (170°F) water.
Smoothie: Add 1 tsp matcha, 1 banana, 1 cup milk, handful of ice, and 1 tsp sugar or honey into blender. Blend until smooth.
Orange Juice: Add 1/2 tsp of sifted matcha to 1 cup of orange juice in a shaker bottle. Shake well until matcha is fully blended.
Food: Sprinkle matcha on top of yogurt, cottage cheese, granola or add it into a recipe (check out our recipe page for ideas!)
  1. Traditionally, a bamboo whisk, also called a chasen, is the preferred tool to whisk matcha. A chawan, or matcha bowl is also used. If those items are not available, a small metal whisk and a wide bowl or mug to accommodate room for whisking can be used.
  2. Water temperature is important for the matcha to maintain it’s sweet flavor and avoid turning bitter. Water temperatures below 170° F are recommended.
  3. Matcha is stored best in an airtight, light proof container. To maintain maximum freshness, store in refrigerator.
  4. Sifting matcha through a fine mesh strainer before use helps remove clumps and creates a smoother consistency.

Ingredients: Matcha, natural flavors

Vegan, Gluten Free

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Today I would like to talk/write about this Peach Matcha from 3 Leaf Tea.  Peach Matcha from 3 Leaf Tea seems to give me the yin and the yang that I am craving in a flavored matcha!  Let me explain…

Upon opening this sample packet of Peach Matcha from 3 Leaf Tea I was smacked in the face with intense peach aroma.  I LOVED the scent of this Peach Matcha!  It made me wonder if it was going to be ALL Peach and NO Matcha when it came to flavor.  Let me tell you that was NOT the case.  Once I whisked my hot matcha up in my cup I took my first sip and what I found was MAJOR defined and STRONG green matcha flavor with an underlying peach flavor!  This strong matcha base is not for wimps!  It’s of the stronger matchas I have sipped on that is for sure!

The peach certainly takes over the aroma but not the taste!  I put these findings in the PRO category of my opinion here!  This is a fantastic cup of matcha!

As a test I did find the less you use of the matcha mix the more you pick up on the peach especially once the water temperature cools naturally at room temperature.  So…moral of the story…if you want to start with a little less and work your way up…I think that would be ok for those who might not like a strong matcha taste.  Lucky for me – I do!


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