Detox Tea from Cha Tale

59d6c6fc6b944f03aa56c09338fdd469Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Herbal Tea/Tisane

Where to Buy: Cha Tale

Tea Description:

Beautifully presented with a sweet and creamy taste.  Detox

1 portion per cup, 3 min at 95°C Serve: Hot or Cold, Perfect on its own

Contains: Goji Berry, Chrysanthemum, Cassia Seed, Rock Candy

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Detox Tea from Cha Tale is one of the better if not the best tasting Detox Teas I have had thus far!  This tisane only contains Goji Berry, Chrysanthemum, Cassia Seed, and Rock Candy.  That’s it!  Of course the flowers provide a bit of floral flavor and the Rock Candy gives you that bit of sweet but not TOO sweet!  The Goji Berry is a wonderful addition and I would be fibbing to you if I said that I didn’t take one of them and nibble on it after infusing!  I really LOVE that this had Cassia Seed in it, too!  I have been doing a lot of research on it and the benefits are darn impressive!  I will say this tisane isn’t much for aroma but it’s pleasant on the tongue and leaves you hydrated but also craving more of the semi-sweet treat!  If you are looking for a Detox Tea be sure to check this one out!


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