Tea Information:
Leaf Type: Yerba Mate
Where to Buy: Aka Teas
Tea Description:
Need some energy and focus? Yerba Maté has been shown to help the body digest carbohydrates (more energy!), burn calories from fat, and delay the buildup of lactic acid after a workout.
Stimulating to the mind, body, and taste buds, Mint Yerba Maté can’t be beat. With it’s healthy concentration of polyphenols and antioxidants, Yerba Maté has been touted as the most nutritious and balanced energy-giver, when compared to coffee, black tea, green tea, guarana, or kola nut
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
Aka Teas is one of my newest love affairs when it comes to tea shops. I love their hand blended teas and the flavors each tea yields. When I saw this one, I knew it would be instant love. And it was.
I’m a sucker for mint teas. I have digestive issues so I find mint so refreshing and cooling. Almost relaxing because of the cooling effect it seems to have on my body. Pair that up with another love of mine, Yerba Mate and you have yourself a match made in heaven. And that is exactly how I see this tea.
I dumped the sample of this tea into my One Touch Breville and hit the Herbal setting for 5 minutes @212F. I wanted for that lovely beeping noise to alert me that my tea was ready.
I let this cool for a moment and dove right in. The mint hit me first. Such a lovely spearmint. Clean and refreshing. The Yerba Mate had a solid roasted flavor and that is the second flavor that hit my taste buds. The two combined was a unique flavor but one I really enjoyed. A mint refreshing cooling invigorating roasted tea. Simple but full of flavor. Each flavor played off the other and one flavor didn’t dominate the other. If you are a mint fan and an yerba mate fan, I think you’ll like this one too.