Leaf Type: Yerba Mate
Where To Buy: The Persimmon Tree
Tea Description:
This aromatic and refreshing cocktail of yerba maté, lemongrass, orange peel, and lemon myrtle is the perfect tonic after a workout or tiring day. Citron Maté is a stimulating brew that can give you a little caffeine boost without the shakes or crash that can follow. Try it sweetened over ice with fresh lime juice for a refreshing summer treat!
Learn more about this blend here.
Taster’s Review:
For my first cup of the day, I generally prefer a good, strong cup of black tea. However, there are some mornings when I need a little more than the caffeine boost that the black tea can give you, and on days like that, I often turn to Yerba Mate.
Yerba Mate has more caffeine than tea. It’s more like coffee when it comes to caffeine. But with Yerba Mate, I don’t get the jitters or the sickly feeling a few hours after drinking it the way I do with coffee. Yerba Mate is a big win when it comes to a caffeine fix.
And I’m really enjoying this Yerba Mate blend from Persimmon Tree. It has a sweet, citrus-y flavor that perks up the earthy, vegetative flavor of the Mate in a very agreeable way.
To brew this tisane, I used my Breville One-Touch. I measured 3 bamboo scoops of tisane into the basket of the tea maker (I generally like to use a little more leaf when it comes to tisanes) and added 500ml of freshly filtered water to the jug. Then I set the parameters: 185°F – usually I go with 195°F for yerba mate tisanes but because this is a green yerba mate, I thought I’d take this opportunity to “test out” a slightly lower temperature for the green yerba mate – and 10 minutes steep time. Because yerba mate is low in tannins, a longer steep time will result in a fuller flavor without bitterness.
I’m quite pleased with the result! The flavor is sweet and citrus-y with notes of orange and a sweet hint of lemon and lime. There is a light, creamy flavor that I’m tasting that melds nicely with these citrus notes. The citrus isn’t a strong presence, in fact, I think I’d like a little more citrus to this (and I’d recommend serving it with a thin slice of whatever citrus fruit you might have on hand!) but it does add a lovely little accent of bright flavor.
It’s very “morning” bright – this cup of Citron Mate!
The yerba mate has a fresh, vegetative taste with earthy background notes. It has a smooth flavor and isn’t bitter or astringent. Smooth from beginning to finish! I know that some people have remarked that they find yerba mate to be a tad on the bitter side, but to these people I recommend a slightly lower brewing temperature. When I steeped yerba mate at a boiling temperature, I would experience bitterness too, but since I’ve dropped the temperature to 185° – 195° F, I find that I get a smooth, bitter-free taste from every cup of yerba mate now!
If you’re looking for a vibrant way to start your day, you should give this Citron Mate from The Persimmon Tree a try! It’s tasty!