Southern Boys Teas Series, Part 2: Monkey Fart from 52Teas

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Learn more about Southern Boy Teas here.

Taster’s Review:

Before writing this review, I searched for my review of the Monkey Fart Honeybush from My Sweet Honeybush.  But I couldn’t find it – I guess I never wrote one!  I guess that means I’m going to have to procure another pouch of said honeybush!  (Yes, I realize I’m merely justifying my tea shopping, but, whatever works, right?)

Anyway, I have tried the Monkey Fart Honeybush on several occasions, and I enjoyed it, but it became a big hit with my oldest daughter who really loves the stuff.  So, I was confident I’d enjoy the black iced tea version of it.

And I do.  It is sweet, banana-y, and very refreshing.  It reminds me a little bit of the Banana Fanta Slurpees from 7-11.  This has a similar sweet-banana kind of taste, almost “candy-like”.   Now that I think about it, what this really tastes like to me is banana cotton candy!  It’s got that light, wispy kind of sweetness the way cotton candy does.

The banana is distinct, but the black tea is not just sitting off in the background.  It is a strong, vibrant flavor, and melds well with the banana flavoring.

This first tasting is the result of cold-brewing the tea bag (I love the size of these teabags.  They’re HUGE!  Certainly roomy enough to accommodate the tea’s expansion, and there is still room to spare, no worries about the tea not having enough room in this bag!), and I’m really loving these Southern Boy Teas for cold-brewing.  But I thought I’d do a little experiment and try hot-brewing the bag this evening for tomorrow’s iced tea and see how the second infusion turns out.

And as it turns out, the hot-brew resteep turned out pretty darned good too.  It’s not quite as strong or flavorful as the first cold-brew infusion, but, it is still very tasty and refreshing… which means that you can double the amount of tea and the value of the purchase price of these teas!  Definitely take the time to resteep!

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