Red Hot Chai from 52Teas

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tea Description:

If this doesn’t warm you up on a cold day, you better check your pulse.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I think I’ve mentioned this before here – at least once! – but I love red hots.  They were definitely one of my favorite candies when I was a kid.  I loved that spicy cinnamon flavor.

So, I have to admit that I was slightly disappointed the first time I brewed this.  It was a delicious chai, but it didn’t have the spicy hot cinnamon flavor that I wanted.  But, I’ve come to realize the fault was not with the chai, but with me.  I was a bit distracted, and before I took a moment to sip it without additions, I added some warmed, frothed milk to it to make a latte.  The milk – unfortunately – muted the spicy cinnamon flavor.  Delicious, but not quite what I expected from a “Red Hot Chai.”

So this time when I brewed this tea, I decided to go non-latte, and see what happens.  It is MUCH better like this.  I can now taste a bit of the red hot-ness going on.  Very cinnamon-y!  I can taste the other spices here too, however, they become more of a supporting cast to the starring role of the cinnamon.  Especially nice is the cardamom, which brings in a hint of citrus-y flavor which accents the cinnamon nicely; and the anise which offers a whisper of licorice-y flavor in the distance.  This isn’t a strong flavor, but I like how it teases the palate as I sip.  The black tea base is also discernible amid the strength of the cinnamon, providing a solid, robust flavor.

Overall, a very tasty chai.  It isn’t my favorite chai from 52Teas (still loving the Gingerbread Chai, Frank), but, it is quite enjoyable and definitely has a cinnamon kick!

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