Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Culinary Teas
Product Description:
Superior Gunpowder tea has a greenish, full bodied, delectable bakey character with a hint of smokiness. The expansion of the leaf after infusion is remarkable. This tea will keep for a very long time due to the tight roll.
Taster’s Review:
My earliest experiences with gunpowder green tea were not positive. But that really was not the tea’s fault – it was mine. I used water that was too hot for the delicate green tea leaves, and as a result the liquor was bitter and not suitable to drink.
Since that time, I’ve learned how to brew green tea, and as I sit here, sipping on this Superior Gunpowder from Culinary Teas, I can’t help but feel a little sad at how dreadful I treated those gunpowder teas in the past. Such a delightful tea, it really didn’t deserve such harsh treatment!
This is really quite divine! The flavor is toasty with a delicious nutty flavor in the foreground. There is a hint of smokiness in the background which is quite complimentary to the roasty-toasty flavor. Some light vegetative notes round out the flavor of this cup.
I’m currently sipping my second infusion of this tea, and I think I prefer the second to the first. It is sweeter and tastes a bit more even-toned and balanced than the first infusion, although both were quite lovely. These leaves could even handle a third infusion!
An excellent gunpowder, this Superior Gunpowder from Culinary Teas. It gets top marks!