PRODUCT REVIEW: Illustrations & Cliparts – Mad Hatter Tea Party Elements from Cupcake Cuties at MyGrafico

PRODUCT REVIEW: Illustrations & Cliparts –
Mad Hatter Tea Party Elements

Where to Buy:
Cupcake Cuties at MyGrafico

Tasters/Crafters Review:

I’m so happy the owner of MyGraficO is a tea drinker!

Here is one of the recent TEA RELATED Clip Art Sets she gave us to work with.  I have been a fan of Designs by Cupcake Cuties for a while and haven’t worked with too many of her clip art sets yet – compared to the other Digi Stamp Sets over at MyGrafico – so I was super excited to work with this one!


This is the outside of my project using an image from this set.  I have done many of these little tea bag holder books or envelops in the past and thought this image would fit nicely on the front of another one.  Not only is the set tea related but as  you can see it’s Alice In Wonderland Themed!

All I did was use cardstock, various paper scraps, and I had some adhesive fabric I used on the side (the brown strip on the right with white dots).  I LOVED that the clip art image already said DRINK ME.  I didn’t have to any anything.

And here’s the inside of the envelop or book.  It has a little pocket for an individually wrapped tea bag of  your choice.

I decided to use one from Yogi Tea called Hibiscus Paradise.  No real reason…it was just something I had on hand and close by.

You can also decorate the inside more but I left this one blank.  You could also write on the inside if you wish.  I will probably do that down the road before sending it out in a swap.  It’s really easy to do these little holders and there are various templates online or you could easily come up with your own.

You will probably see many more of these from me.  I enjoy making them because they are quick and easy and with all of the tea swaps I do they are fun to send to people too!  It’s was even more fun to use this clip art on my project, too!  It did shave off a few minutes of creating time with the sentiment already in place.  I like to print up a few sheets of these to have on hand – ready to cut – at any moment!  If you would like to purchase this set it’s only $4 and available HERE.  You will receive all 20 clip art images pictured at the top of this review!  This set is a STEAL for any TEA LOVER, Crafter, and/or Alice In Wonderland Fan!



3 thoughts on “PRODUCT REVIEW: Illustrations & Cliparts – Mad Hatter Tea Party Elements from Cupcake Cuties at MyGrafico

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