The Skinny from DavidsTea

Tea Type:
Oolong Tea/Pu-erh Tea Blend

Where To Buy:


Product Description:

Did you just eat and eat and eat? And then eat some more? 2000 years of ancient Chinese wisdom suggest you try this organic blend. It contains oolong and pu’erh teas, both reputed to speed your metabolism and block fat absorption after a heavy meal. Plus it’s got ginger and ginseng, two more traditional metabolism uppers. So go ahead, drink up. The only thing you’ll gain is wisdom.

Tasters Review:

The Skinny from DavidsTea really took me by surprise!  I ended up really liking it!  Here’s the SKINNY on this tea from DavidsTea…

This tea takes a while to infuse before the true color appears.  Dry…I thought this first smelled like Orange Cream and then I thought it was more of a Fruit loops/Orange aroma. Post infusion – it smells more like a woodsy/orange. The taste is flatter than I thought it would be.  I would say more Oolong than anything else and then a share of orange taste.  I can’t really taste the Pu-erh, Ginseng, or Ginger much…which is ok with me but maybe not-so-good for those specifically looking for those ingredients, I suppose.

Overall the taste of this one is pretty good!  As far as me liking this tea – I do enjoy it – much more than I expected!  It’s a goodie!


1 thought on “The Skinny from DavidsTea

  1. I am just starting to drink this tea, and I haven’t noticed much of a difference but more bathroom breaks…haha. Other than that this tea is delicious AND good for you…You don’t get tooo much of that these days, for a decent price at least! I can really see myself enjoying this tea permanently.
    I love this tea…hope to get a lot more kinds of this brand!

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