Concord Grape Bai Mu Dan from 52Teas

Tea Information:

Leaf Type: White Bai Mu Dan

Where to Buy: 52Teas

Tea Description:

So, I’m a little extra excited about our new freeze-dried grapes. I can’t help it, they are just too much fun to blend with. I’m hoping our customers will forgive me and enjoy this deliciousness.

Here’s a blend of our naturally sweet bai mu dan white tea with freeze-dried grapes and natural flavors.

Our Tea of the Week for the week of May 7, 2012

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

My husband hates anything grape. He says unless it IS a grape it ends up just tasting fake. Not anymore! This Concord Grape tea from 52Teas is as close to eating the real thing as you can get! This is not an in your face kiddie soda pop or lollipop flavored tea. This is a pure and natural, delicious, gimme more of that tea!

There is a sweetness to it that is so fresh, so natural, yet with a light white tea base provides somewhat of a heavier mouthfeel somehow.

There is a slightly numbing sensation in the mouth but only slight.

Now keep in mind this tea is very light in flavor, its not going to rock your socks off with a kool-aid like grape flavor or aroma but if you like grape and you love tea (you do don’t you!) then this is a really nice, not too often found flavor combination you must try!