Sweet Watermelon Oolong from TeaLeafs #VeganMoFo2016

I have an insane love for Watermelon so when the prompt for Vegan MoFo was for favorite food, I knew exactly which tea would fit!

I recently polished off my stash of Sweet Watermelon Oolong from TeaLeafs and eventho it’s not currently for sale on their website I thought it was still worth a mention and a review as it is absolutely YUMMY! (As of 11/7- this tea is back online)

Like I stated above…I am now finished with my stash of this flavored Oolong. Is it wrong and weird of me to keep the bag for smelling purposes? Yes, it really IS that wonderfully flavored. It you are a fan of Watermelon Jolly Ranchers you will have to check this one out as soon as it’s available again at TeaLeafs.

Sweet Watermelon Oolong is great HOT and stand alone. But it’s also amazing COLD by itself and/or with your sweetener of your choice. I rarely suggest adding sweeteners to teas but my husband drinks teas with sweeteners when he does drink them and he enjoys this one as well. He’s used Natural Dark Rock Sugar chunks but we have also tried it with Agave and that works nicely, too!

But don’t feel like you HAVE to add anything because this is a gem by itself. I’m assuming my with-drawls will begin shortly. I NEED to get my hands on more of this flavored oolong!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Flavored Oolong
Where to Buy: TeaLeafs

Origin: Fujan Provence, China

Ingredients: Oolong tea, Papaya pieces, Plum + Safflower petals, Natural flavors

Ripe, juicy, thirst quenching

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

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