Peanut Butter & Raspberry Jelly Black Tea & a 52Teas Giveaway!

Today I counted up all of the 52Teas that I could readily find in my stash.  It came to over 40 pouches and 6 canisters.  That doesn’t count the three mystery packs I have coming or the next month’s tea I’ll be getting in my subscription box.  In other words, I will admit, I have a 52Teas addiction. But who wouldn’t? Yes, I do have a personal connection with 52Teas but even if I didn’t know the mad tea creator behind all the teas, I would still adore the blends.  Every week you can count on a different unique blend that you can’t get anywhere else.  So yes, I have a problem, but I think its a good one to have!

Peanut Butter & Raspberry Jelly Black Tea is one that I was crazy excited to try out but was lost in my tea stash. When I realized my error, I was quick to rectify it.  I tried this brew hot first but I will say I wasn’t crazy about the results. I didn’t get that rich creamy peanut butter flavor I was hoping for. The jammy raspberry notes came across beautifully and mingled well with the black tea base.  Being a peanut butter freak, I wanted to get those flavors to come through. So I experimented. . .I cold brewed the blend.

Scooped a few spoon fulls into my pitcher and allowed the tea to steep overnight.  Poured myself a tall glass with fresh ice, hoping this was the answer to pulling those peanut butter notes thus ending my quest for a peanut butter tea.  First sip and VIOLA! Creamy peanut butter notes swirling around raspberry jammy fun.  The black tea base is slight and subtle allowing those nutty and berry flavors to really shine.

A really fabulous cold brew and a perfect example of how sometimes certain blends just need a bit of experimenting with.  And now I’m happy to announce our first giveaway since we have revamped and rebranded SororiTea Sisters!  Anne at 52Teas has graciously given us two amazing prizes! A three month subscription to 52Teas (valued at $52-US residents only) and a $25 gift certificate (open to anyone).  Enter below!  Just a small token of gratitude to all of our faithful and new readers who love tea and much as we do.  Thank you for sticking with us over the years and we hope you all are just as excited with the new changes as we are.  Good luck everyone!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: 52Teas


I’ll disclose a little secret – this tea made me very nervous.

You see, I’m one of those unusual people that don’t like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I felt very much the oddball growing up – everyone else liked peanut butter and jelly. I like peanut butter. I like jelly. I just don’t like these two together. I like peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I like peanut butter and marshmallow creme sandwiches. I like peanut butter and butter toast. I even like peanut butter sandwiches. Just not jelly. And I like jelly toast and I probably would like a jelly sandwich if I were so inclined to make one although it doesn’t sound like a very satisfying sort of lunch.

So what I’m trying to say is that peanut butter and jelly just isn’t my thing. So when one of my Kickstarter backers who purchased the “Be a 52Teas tea of the week creator” incentive and selected a peanut butter and jelly tea as his tea of the week flavor – I got just a wee bit nervous and I hoped that since it’s a tea maybe, just maybe, I’ll like these flavors together.

And I do! This has a really pleasing raspberry flavor. The peanut butter is a softer note – and really, if I were to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I think that’s how I’d make it for myself – light on the peanut butter with a big smear of raspberry jelly! Sweet tart raspberry, a smooth, nutty peanut butter note atop a blend of Nilgiri and Assam teas. Way better than I could imagine peanut butter and jelly tasting!

Taster size is approximately 1/2 ounce.

organic ingredients: black teas, roasted & salted sunflower seeds, freeze-dried raspberries and natural flavors.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

80 thoughts on “Peanut Butter & Raspberry Jelly Black Tea & a 52Teas Giveaway!

  1. I too haven’t ever tried any of their blends, but I have been so tempted by so many– this would be the coolest way to dip my toes in to their teas!

  2. I too haven’t yet tried 52 teas, but have been so tempted so many times! This would be the perfect ways to dip my toes in– fingers crossed!

  3. The Hot and unbothered sounds very interesting as I have not tried 52teas yet but this would be the one I would pick.

  4. Checked out their FB page and WOW – what amazing flavors! Lemon-Lime Meringue Kukicha tea sounds interesting right at the moment.

  5. The Chocolate Marshmallow Spicier Chai sounds really good, so does the Maple Apple Pie Blend. Very unique.

  6. I have never had the chace to try 52Teas before but I am an avid tea drinker. I would love to try Rooibus and Oolong teas especially the Lemon Ginger Cookie.

  7. I have never tried their teas, but I am a huge fan of tea especially when I get a day alone with a book.Its the only thing that calms me. If I did get a chance to try 52 teas I would choose Chocolate Rose Truffle Black Tea because its two of my favorite things together!!

  8. It’s been a while since I last tried 52teas (too long perhaps) and I would love to try some of the newer flavors!

  9. I haven’t tried 52 teas yet but was looking for a creative present for my husband who loves tea! He would definitely love this and I’m sure he’d try all of the teas!

  10. I have never tried 52teas before, but we make tea everyday in my house, I even got my kids addicted and I know they would love to try new flavors.

  11. I am new here so I don’t have a favorite but I sure would love to try the maple apple tea cake tea! So happy to have found you!

  12. The Chocolate Marshmallow Spicier Chai sounds really delicious. I’d love to try any of the black teas but that one caught my eye.

  13. I think that the Chocolate Marshmallow Spicier Chai would probably be my favorite…but I bet I’d love the Gingerbread Chai & Bananas Foster, too!

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