Vanilla Almond Black Tea from Nelson’s Tea

81DY6u1iPSL._SX522_Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black Tea

Where to Buy: Nelson’s Tea

Tea Description:

About the Product
  • Ingredients: Black tea, almonds, natural flavoring
  • Vanilla Almond Black Tea
  • Blended & Packaged in Indianapolis, IN USA

Warm and sweet, vanilla and almonds come together in the perfect marriage coupled with bold black tea.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Vanilla Almond Black Tea from Nelson’s Tea is my first experience with one of their tea offerings and I must say I am impressed!  Vanilla flavored teas can be hit and miss due to the fake tasting vanilla flavors that are often used.  Almond flavored teas are often the same way for the same reason and/or can be a rough flavor preference to pin down and appease the masses!  I will say that Vanilla Almond Black Tea from Nelson’s Tea excels at BOTH the vanilla AND the almond flavors not only in ratio but being that true-taste that most of us tend to crave!

The aroma is pretty wonderful, too!  It’s sweet, nutty, and somewhat roasted to the nose but also provides that deep black tea aroma that I look for as well!

On the tongue – the black tea base, chunks of almond, and vanilla flavors all mesh well together.  The overall flavor is not overdone or underdone and that in itself makes this a special flavored black tea for me.  But your taste buds don’t lie!  The taste of this Vanilla Almond Black Tea from Nelson’s Tea certainly delivers, too, and completes the tea experience in your cup and in your mouth!


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