Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha from 52Teas

marshmallowtreatgenmaichaTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Product Description:

Had some extra genmaicha (and a little bit of uji (matcha mixed with-) genmaicha that we blended together to create this awesome blend. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough of anything to make it a tea of the week, so here’s a bonus blend (VERY LIMITED EDITION) for this week.

We’ve blended genmaicha (Japanese sencha (I got it before the earthquake, so no worries) blended with toasted rice) with mini marshmallows and natural flavors. This blend is going to go FAST, and we won’t be able to blend any more for a while, if we ever do, so DO NOT drag your feet about this one.

Taster’s Review:

I want to preface this review by saying that the package of Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha that I ordered was from the original batch, not the re-blend.  The re-blended Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha is slightly different in that it was made vegan, using marshmallow root rather than mini marshmallows.  In addition, the re-blended batch did not contain the Uji Genmaicha (Genmaicha + Matcha).  It is the original batch that I will be reviewing here, and I don’t know how different the flavor will be from the re-blended batch.

Now, with that said, let’s get to the review!

This is AWESOME!  I think I have only tried one other flavored Genmaicha from 52Teas (the Malted Genmaicha) and while I did really enjoy that one, this particular blend takes Genmaicha to a whole other level.  It is amazing.

The Sencha is light-bodied with faint vegetative notes.  It tastes fresh without tasting too grassy.  And I really am enjoying the hint of Matcha in there – it lends a creamy, smooth flavor to the cup that melds perfectly with the other flavors.  The Matcha contribution is not a strong one, but, it is enough to keep the palate intrigued.  And, of course, the toasty, sweet flavor of the popped rice is right on target with the Marshmallow Treat concept.

The mini-marshmallows melt in the hot water, and give just a little bit of creamy texture to the cup, as well as the expected sweetness.  (No additional sweetener is needed here!)  I really love the addition of the mini-marshmallows, they do really enhance the flavor of the cup.  It makes me wonder how the marshmallow root compares.

Yet another example of why 52Teas is my favorite tea company!

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