Leaf Type: Green
Where to Buy: Enjoying Tea
Product Description:
This extraordinary green tea comes from the city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang province. The flat leaves are harvested in early spring when the leaves are full of aroma and have a silvery shine. Dragon Well is prepared using traditional methods from the most tender tea leaves. These leaves produce a soothing and refreshing champagne colored liquid full of freshness. Semi-sweet in taste and orchid-like in smell, Lung Ching is one of the most famous green tea in China.
Taster’s Review:
This is a very pleasant tea to sip after a long, hard day! I can feel it invigorate my senses and energize me, while restoring a sense of calm to my spirit. All that from a cup of tea!
But my experiences with Dragon Well teas have not always been so positive. There was a time when I thought I didn’t like Dragon Well. But over time, I have grown quite fond of them. I don’t know if this change has something to do with my palate developing a taste for the vegetative green teas or if it has something to do with the fact that my brewing techniques have improved tremendously over the years, but I’m inclined to believe that it’s a combination of these two factors.
Yes, Dragon Well is quite grassy in taste – heck, the dry leaf even looks like carefully dried blades of cut grass! – but there is so much more to this cup than just a grassy character. It has so many layers of flavors that are just waiting to be discovered. This tea is sweet and slightly floral with a nutty quality lingering in the background.
It is delicious to sip – neat and clean – as a hot beverage and quite thirst-quenching when served over ice. When it is chilled I like it with a little bit of honey added to help pump up the flavor a little bit.
This Dragon Well is another example of why I really like Enjoying Tea. They have such a wide selection of teas, there is something for everyone, as well as a vast array of tea accessories. I highly recommend their sampler sets – they’re awesome!
I remember the time an old Chinese man came into my store and not only had a smell from the sample tin of Lung Ching but took a piece out and ate it! It was the first time I’d seen that and he explained how it’s quite a common way to test a Lung Chings quality where he came from. I tried and sure enough found the flat leaf quite nice and crispy! A little nutty, buttery and grassy
Your review is lovely. I am quite familiar with Enjoying Tea’s sampler packs; I was fortunate to try their Chai teas. I liked their Lemon Grass Chai best.
Back to the review of Dragonwell; what you say is true, not that you need hearing it from me. The grassy taste of most green teas, especially Dragonwell can be overwhelming and one must come to appreciate the subtler dews of this tea over time.
I am trying to say, it helps to know what to look for and how to come to appreciate teas like this sort.
As said and well put: there is something for everyone.
I find that Ceylon Silver Striped green tea (The Tao of Tea) to be more buttery than Dragonwell which is more nutty and grassy.